Philip Nelson

Elected ARMS: 2015

Elected RMS: 2021


Born in 1966, Philip has lived in North Wales all his life. He showed an interest and aptitude in woodcarving from an early age and presented his infant school headteacher with an owl he had carved at age seven. He trained in cabinet-making but after being introduced to decoy carving by the late Bob Ridges he decided to concentrate on bird carving.
His work is mainly of a highly detailed variety where each piece is carved from a single block of wood, usually Lime. He then uses pyrography to engrave the barbs and the quills of the feathers before using thin washes of acrylics to paint the sculptures.
Recently, Philip has concentrated on the art of the miniature bird, and in 2013 was awarded The Gold Memorial Bowl for the best exhibit, a Mallard drake, at The Royal Miniature Society annual show.
Philip has had solo exhibitions of his work held at The Ward Foundation of Wildfowl Art in the USA and at Nature in Art, Gloucester

Nature in art, Twigworth, Gloucester
(EWA) Exhibition of Wildlife Art, Wirral
RMS Annual Show, London
Animal Earth, Chester

Hilliard Society