How to Become a Member
Student Membership (SRMS)
Artists aged 18-30 who are interested in becoming a Student member of the RMS will have had 3 works accepted and exhibited in the 1st year and 3 works submitted and accepted for exhibition in the 2nd year.
In the 2nd year, if elected the artist will become SRMS. The student membership grants entry fee concession from the year following election.
Associate Membership (ARMS)
Artists who are interested in becoming an Associate member of the RMS will have had 5 works accepted and exhibited in the 1st year and 5 works submitted and accepted for exhibition in the 2nd year.
In the 2nd year, if elected the artist will become ARMS. The Associate membership subscription will be due from the January following election. If the elected artist is aged 18-30 Associate membership is at a concession rate.
Full Member (RMS)
Associate Members who are interested in becoming a Full Member of the RMS will need to have 6 works accepted into the Annual Exhibition as an Associate Member for 2 consecutive years.
If elected, the Associate Member will become a Full Member (RMS) immediately. If the elected artist is aged 18-30 full membership is at a concession rate.

Friend Members Of The RMS
Becoming a friend of The RMS is a special opportunity to be involved with one of the most prestigious Miniature Art societies in the world, to meet artists and collectors alike. With a shared love of Miniature Art and Sculpture, and to benefit from entitlements exclusive to Friends:
2 Private View invitations for ‘Clients And Friends Day’
Free Catalogue of the Annual Exhibition
List of artist demonstrations during the Exhibition Week
Notification of our Members’ Exhibitions and events throughout the year, where available
List of members’ websites, where available
Mailings of AGM minutes
Any involvement or help with Society affairs will be most welcome. For further information please contact:
Claire Hucker, Executive Secretary, 89 Rosebery Road, Dursley, Glos, GL11 4PU.
Email: Tel: 01454 269268
Join Today
Friend Member £15 Per Year (Renewable in January each year)
Life Friend Member £300 once-off minimum donation
We are always on the look out for new and innovative art works in Miniature.
The Exhibition offers several prestigious awards, open to all participating artists:
Annual Awards worth over £5,000
The Gold Memorial Bowl Award For The Best Miniature Work In The Exhibition
The Prince Of Wales Award For Outstanding Miniature Painting (Postponed)
The President’s Special Commendation – President’s Choice Of Miniature and Large Work.
The Society’s Award – Best Five Or More Works
The Mundy Sovereign Portrait Award
The Bidder And Borne Award – Finest Piece Of Sculptors Or Gravers Artwork
Peter Charles Booth Memorial Award
Anita Emmerich Presentation Award
Anthony J Lester Art Critics Award
Elizabeth Meek – Young Artists Award (Age 18-30)
Young Miniaturist Award (Age 16-17) – First Prize, Highly commended
The Elizabeth Meek Award
Visitor’s Choice Award
Award For Innovation – First Prize & Highly commended. Sponsored By Golden Bottle Trust
Joan Cornish Willies Award For Outstanding Traditional Miniature Oil Painting