The Diploma Collection
An extensive archive collection of past members work, referred to as The Diploma Collection.
A Certificate or Diploma is presented to new Members, once a Full Membership is gained the Artist is invited to donate one piece of their best work for The Diploma Collection.
Due to the extensive Collection, new Members are no longer required to donate their work.
The RMS Diploma Collection is an archive of works comprising 160 Miniature Paintings and 9 Miniature Sculptures donated to The Society by Full RMS Members. Sometimes bequests from relatives of past RMS Members have also been donated to The Collection. All these fine examples of Miniature Paintings or Sculptures are most gratefully received and cared for by The Society.
The Society was founded in 1895, and The Society has a plaster bust of The Founder President Alyn Williams and four of his paintings.
At one time The Diploma Collection was lost along with documents and records of The Society, but these were partially recovered and indeed rescued by Suzanne Lucas HPRMS, who kept them in her home for a number of years.

In 1995 – to enable The Diploma Collection to be fully exhibited, 10 fine mahogany display cases were donated by Anita and Ernst Emmerich. The public was able to view this Historical Collection, both at the combined 100 Year Anniversary Exhibition and The World Exhibition in 1995; and at The Annual Exhibition 2001, both held at The Westminster Gallery, London.
Over a period of time Anita Emmerich has cleaned and restored The Collection, which involved some help from Michael Bartlett RMS, T & B Cousins Jewellers, Roger Green, R J W Products and Polymers Plus Framers.
In 2010 Marian Tumelty RMS was appointed for the upkeep and display of The Diploma Collection. This ongoing Collection is the Property of The RMS and may not be sold.